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Batch Compress Images: Beginner’s Guide for Easy Compression

Sometimes, we need to compress many image files, and it’s annoying to compress each one repeatedly. If you’re wondering if there’s a tool that can simultaneously compress your images, the answer is yes!

In this article, learn 3 ways how to batch-compress images. We understand the need for this because doing this all at once can really save time, and it’s very beneficial for those who happen to be compressing a number of image files. What are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

Пакетное сжатие изображений

Part 1. Batch Compress Images Online for Free (Fastest)

When it comes to batch image compression, the best online tool for that is the FVC Free Image Compressor. This is completely free and can easily be accessed on various devices as long you have internet access for your web. But despite this tool being free, you can’t underestimate what it can do to your image. This tool will allow you to compress up to 40 image files in one click and when it comes to output quality, this tool has the best optimization and advanced compression algorithms. Moreover, this tool can handle a bunch of image file formats like JPEG, PNG, SVG, and animated GIFs.

Here’s how to batch-compress images online using FVC Free Image Compressor:

Шаг 1. В вашем браузере откройте их официальный сайт.

Шаг 2. После этого нажмите загрузить изображения to import the images that you want to compress. Please select up to 40 images.

Fvc Бесплатный компрессор изображений Загрузка изображений

Шаг 3. After compressing your images, you can preview them by reviewing their new sizes after the compression. Lastly, click Скачать все чтобы сохранить изображение.

Fvc Free Image Compressor Скачать

When it comes to convenience, easiness, and quality in batch-compressing images, the FVC Free Image Compressor is a standout. Moreover, it’s a hundred percent free, so if you’re on a budget and want to save time in batch-compressing your photos, try this tool now!

Part 2. Batch Compress Images with Photoshop

When it comes to a professional way of batch compressing images, one of the go-to tools of those users is Photoshop software. This tool is highly regarded for its impressive features making it an excellent choice for simultaneously compressing a bulk of photos. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to batch-compress images using Photoshop:

Шаг 1. You need to save first all the photos you want to batch compress in a single folder.

Шаг 2. Open your Photoshop and then go to the Вкладка «Файл»нажмите Script, и выберите Image Processor.

Batch Compress Photoshop Image Processor

Шаг 3. Next, import the photos that you want to compress by clicking the Выберите папку under the Select the images to process.

Batch Compress Photoshop Select Folder

Шаг 4. After that, a new folder will be automatically created in the original folder, and this is where the compressed images will be stored or saved.

Шаг 5. Under the Тип файла section, adjust the settings to resize your image file. Tick the Resize to Fit box and set the maximum height and width of your compressed photo.

Batch Compress Photoshop File Type

ШАГ 6. в Качество field, enter a number between 1 and 12. Take note that the higher the number, the bigger the file size. Meanwhile, if you are compressing JPG file formats, remember to tick the Save as JPEG box.

Шаг 7. Теперь нажмите кнопку Run Action button to view the actions available.

Batch Compress Photoshop Run Action

Шаг 8. После завершения нажмите кнопку Запустить button. The images in your folder will be processed and saved to the specified destination folder.

Batch Compress Photoshop Click Run

Photoshop is indeed a great tool for bulk-compressing images. It’s ideal for those who need professional results. However, this tool requires a subscription, and there’s a huge learning curve that may cause users not efficiently to use the tool to compress their photos in batches.

Part 3. Batch Compress Images on Windows 10

If you are using a Windows 10 operation system on your computer device, you can batch-compress images through the Windows Paint app. This drawing app is known for its capabilities for drawing and making sketches, but other than that, it also contains superb photo editing features such as cropping, resizing, etc.

Here’s how you can batch-compress images on Windows 10:

Шаг 1. Right-click on the image file that you want to compress, click Открыть с, и выберите Краска.

Batch Compress Paint Open

Шаг 2. Перейти к Главная вкладка и выберите Изменение размера и наклон.

Batch Compress Paint Resize And Skew

Шаг 3. После этого нажмите на Изменение размера и наклон кнопка. Здесь вы можете изменить размер изображения, изменив его процент или пиксель размер. Как только вы достигли желаемого размера, нажмите кнопку в порядке кнопка.

Batch Compress Paint Enter Percentage

Шаг 4. После изменения размера щелкните файл и выберите Сохранить для сохранения сжатого изображения.

Шаг 5. После этого вернитесь в Вкладка «Файл», нажмите на Import to Canvas, и выберите From a File.

Batch Compress Paint Import To Canvas

ШАГ 6. Choose the photo you want to compress and drag it to fit the preset size. This process is not your typical batch compression, but it can streamline the process compared to other image compressor tools. Once done, click the Сохранить кнопка.

Batch Compress Paint Drag To Resize

Windows Paint is indeed a good tool for image compression, but it falls short compared to a dedicated batch compressor.

Part 4. Batch Compress Images on Mac

Preview is a built-in image viewer tool that allows Mac users to view different image files. But apart from that, this tool can be incredibly useful in managing and editing images, especially in batch compressing image files.

Для этого выполните следующие действия:

Шаг 1. In a Finder window, select all the images you want to resize.

Batch Compress Preview Select All Images

Шаг 2. After that, right-click on them, select Открыть с, и выберите Предварительный просмотр.

Batch Compress Preview Open With Preview

Шаг 3. Теперь выберите редактировать, и выберите Выбрать все from the Preview menu bar, or use the Command A keyboard shortcut to select all the open images.

Шаг 4. Once all images are selected, go to инструменты и выберите Отрегулировать размер.

Шаг 5. Now, change the image dimension of your image file by typing a new Width and Height, as well as the resolution. Once you have done so, a new size will be shown at the bottom. Once done, just click в порядке.

Batch Compress Preview Change Image Dimension

The images are resized and saved to the original location by replacing the original files.

Part 5. FAQs about Batch Image Compression

What is the software for compressing images in bulk?

The best software tool for compressing images in bulk is Photoshop. This tool allows you to compress more photos simultaneously while achieving a good-quality result. The only downside is that you can’t enjoy its full features unless you subscribe to its premium offer.

How do I compress all images in a folder?

To compress all images in a folder, you can use the FVC Free Image Compressor tool. Just click on the Add File button, and it will direct you to your library, where you can choose the folder where all the images that you want to compress can be found. After that, select all the photos in your folder, but only limit up to 40 files. Once done, it will automatically compress your photos and will be saved in a compressed folder.

Can you compress multiple photos without losing quality?

Yes. It is possible for you to compress multiple photos without losing quality. You just need to utilize the right compressor tool, like the FVC Free Image Compressor and Photoshop. These tools have great features that can help maintain the quality of the compressed photos.


With these methods, you can now batch-compress images efficiently and effectively. So, regardless of the tool outline in this article, you are now equipped with various method that could work perfectly on your end. Try these techniques today to streamline your image management and optimize your workflow.


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