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Photo Compression Ratio: Compress Your Images Efficiently

When it comes to image compression, it’s important to understand the concept behind compression ratio. While it may be a common term, it’s always misunderstood and taken differently into another context. For instance, users assume that they can always achieve the same quality output of a compressed image and can expect a significant loss in size when using a low compression ratio. The thing is, it depends on the compression ratio and the type of compression being utilized.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of photo compression ratios and effective compression methods, read this article and immerse yourself in what it means by photo compression ratio, as well as the methods on how to change them. Get yourself prepared and learn how to compress your images efficiently.

Photo Compression Ratio

Part 1. What is Photo Compression Ratio

The photo compression ratio is the ratio of the number of bytes in the uncompressed photo to the number of bytes when compressed. In the simplest explanation, it refers to how much smaller a photo file becomes compared to its original size. So, when a photo has a high compression ratio, it means that the photo can be reduced to a smaller size, which can make it look blurry or pixelated. Meanwhile, when a photo has a low compression ratio, then the photo had only a small size reduction on the photo that was compressed. To better understand this, here is a comparison to what is lossy vs. lossless compression.

Lossy Compression

This is a type of image compression where a photo can significantly reduce its size and quality. It means that the photo has a high compression ratio. For example, when a photo has an original size of 10MB and was compressed to 500KB which means it achieved a 20:1 photo compression ratio.

Lossy Compression


• Significantly reduces file size.
• Ideal for web usage.


• Loss of image quality, especially in high compression levels.
• Not suitable for images requiring exact reproduction of original data.

Lossless Compression

Compared to lossy compression, this type of compression means there is no loss of information, and the image quality remains exactly the same as the original.

Lossless Compression


• No significant loss of image quality.
• Suitable for images requiring high fidelity.


• Less file size reduction.

Part 2. How to Change Compression Ratio on Photo

Adjusting the compression ratio of an image helps achieve the right balance between its quality and file size, ensuring that it looks great while taking up less space. To achieve this, you can use Photoshop. This tool allows users to perform a wide range of image editing tasks, including adjusting the photo compression ratio. With this particular feature, you can fine-tune the image quality to meet specific requirements. Here’s how you can use Photoshop to change the compression ratio of your photo:

1 단계. First, import the image file that you want to change the compression ratio by going to the File tab and clicking the 열다 선택권.

Compression Ratio Photoshop Open Image

2 단계. Once you have your photo imported in Photoshop, go to the Image tab 그리고 이미지 크기.

Compression Ratio Photoshop Image Size

3 단계. Now, in the image dialogue box, set your desired resolution. After that, set your target values. Take note that this is in Pixels. Once done, just click the 확인 단추.

Compression Ratio Photoshop Image Dialogue-box

4 단계. To save your file, go to the 파일 탭 그리고 선택 복사본을 저장하다 in the menu.

Compression Ratio Photoshop Save A Copy

5 단계. After clicking the Save button, you’ll see a JPEG options box. From there, you can easily adjust the image quality of your image by sliding the bar in the Image Options section. Once done, click 확인 저장합니다.

Compression Ratio Photoshop Adjust Quality

With this method, you can easily change the compression ratio of your photo. However, this can be a little complicated for some, and new users need to avail subscription to enjoy its full features.

Part 3. Bonus: Compress Image Without Losing Quality

FVC 무료 이미지 압축기 is a free online image compressor tool that reduces the image size but leaves no obvious quality loss in the output. Compared to some compressor tools, this one has great optimization and compression algorithms, ensuring the best quality resolution of the compressed photo.

Here’s how to compress photos using FVC Free Image Compressor

1 단계. First, you need to go over the official website of FVC Free Image Compressor.

2 단계. 그 후, 클릭하세요 이미지 업로드 to import the photos you want to compress. This tool automatically compresses your photos.

Fvc 무료 이미지 압축기 이미지 업로드

3 단계. 압축 프로세스가 완료될 때까지 기다리세요. 완료되면 완료되었다는 상태 막대와 압축된 이미지의 전후 크기에 대한 정보가 표시됩니다. 그런 다음 클릭하세요. 모두 다운로드 이미지를 저장하려면.

Fvc 무료 이미지 압축기 다운로드

If you want to easily compress your photos, using an FVC Free Image compressor tool is a great alternative. You’ll only need to do one click in order to compress them, and everything is ensured that your photos are well compressed in size and quality.

Part 4. FAQs about Photo Compression Ratio

How to compress a photo to a ratio of 20:1?

To compress a photo to a ratio of 20:1, you can use an image editing tool like Photoshop or an online compressor. In Photoshop, adjust the image quality settings and resolution until you achieve the desired compression ratio. Also, there are online tools that often provide an option to specify the target file size or compression level like the compress or die. But when it comes to convenience, the FVC Free Image Compressor tool can also be a great tool to compress a photo with a ratio of 20:1.

How do I find the compression ratio of a photo?

To find the photo compression ratio, divide the original file size by the compressed file size. For example, if the original photo is 10 MB and the compressed photo is 0.5 MB, the compression ratio is 10 MB / 0.5 MB = 20:1.

What is the compression ratio of a JPG file?

The photo compression ratio of a JPG file varies depending on the quality settings used during compression. High compression results in smaller file sizes but lower image quality, while low compression maintains higher image quality with larger file sizes. Typical JPG compression ratios range from 10:1 to 20:1 for web usage.

Is there a limit to how much you can compress a photo?

Yes, there are practical limits to how much you can compress a photo before a significant loss of quality occurs. Higher compression ratios often result in visible artifacts such as pixelation or blurriness, especially in images with complex details or gradients.


Understanding and adjusting the photo compression ratio is essential for optimizing images to balance quality and file size. Adobe Photoshop offers a powerful way to manage this, providing fine-tuned control over image quality. For those seeking simpler solutions, tools like FVC Free Image Compressor offer efficient alternatives.

Take control of your image optimization now! Try Adobe Photoshop for advanced editing or use FVC Free Image Compressor for quick and easy compression.


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